Wednesday, June 3, 2015

These Hallelujah's be Multiplied!


The Kaemingk’s are inviting you to be a part of our story, one that imitates what God has done for us in Christ.  A story that reminds us that we are all ADOPTED by our heavenly Father.

Adoption has been a desire we have had since we were first married.  Our plans to adopt have surfaced a few times throughout the years but Kaemingk timing is not always God’s timing.  So, we waited and this year it has become clear that we can move forward with His plans for us.

Our family is in the beginning process of international adoption with Bethany Christian Services. As of now, we fit China’s requirements for adoption.  This is a long process.  International adoptions can take up to 2 years or longer.  There are many legal and financial hurdles, and not to mention the mountains of paperwork.  But, this is a small task to tackle to bring a child into a loving home.  OUR HOME.

We are asking for your SUPPORT.  Our family is requesting your PRAYERS.  It does take a village and we have a big village!  Please pray for our discernment throughout our adoption process that we will make the right decisions.  Pray for our waiting child’s health and care-givers. 

We also ask for your prayers in raising funds to help cover the high costs that come with adoption. Our adoption will cost us close to $30,000. No, that’s not a typo.  We refuse to put GOD in a box.  We know His love for His children is real and powerful and that we are called to be this child’s PARENTS and that this child is going to be blessed with three amazing SIBLINGS: Eliot, Anders and Reese.  

We are at the very beginning of our adoption journey and this process is already teaching us humility.  It’s very hard for us to ask for financial help.  We truly believe that all the money in the world is the Lord’s and if you feel called to help, we are grateful for that support.  Our family has chosen to hold a few fundraisers that we hope can help us reach our financial goals as well as SERVE you and others in doing so.  

With any important decision we make in our lives, we look for support from our family and friends.  We appreciate the love and friendship that you all have given to us and our children.  Thank you for loving our family!  

For this child, I have prayed.   

 1 Samuel 1:27


- We would like to add two more feet to our home -

Kaemingk Family Adoption Fund



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