Tuesday, June 23, 2015

A Father to the Fatherless

This weekend we all celebrated all of the special father's in our lives.  I was lucky enough to have been raised by the amazing, Oz Hespe. (Yes, that will go to his head and rightfully so.)  My dad is a jack of all trades, hard working and has a sense of humor that is unforgettable.  Of course, it was only natural for me to look for those same qualities in my future husband. Low and behold the Lord placed Adam in my path. Yay, God! 

This past weekend on our long drive back from visiting family in Rochester, Minnesota I got to thinking of how Adam will become a "father to the fatherless."  This made me even more thankful for Adam's heart and his openness to welcoming a fourth child to our crazy crew and loving this child unconditionally.  

Psalm 68 speaks of this very thing.  How awesome is it that ALL of us have a loving heavenly Father that has adopted us and wants to be with us forever?  Pretty awesome.  

Our family is just about to embark into the Home Study phase of our adoption.  We continue to ask for your prayers as we start our training hours, paperwork and fundraising all while running our household and after three little kiddos!  

We love you Adam!  If there was a daddy lottery, I am pretty sure our kiddos have won it ;) Wishing you a very happy FATHER's day!

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