Monday, March 7, 2016

Signed. Sealed. Hoping to be DELIVERED.

This past Thursday, we loaded up the kids in the van and headed off to our state capitol on a mission!  

Our Mission: Get that huge file folder of VERY important documents out of our house before a kid spills something on it!!!
This is the "dossier".  It has anything and EVERYTHING you ever wanted to know about us. *blush*

For the past 2 months the Kaemingk crew has asked a lot from our friends and family.  Some of you (you know who you are) were asked to write letters on our behalf, find a notary, watch our children so Adam and I could go get physicals and lab work, and make a copy or two (or 200).   We compiled all of this time-sensitive paperwork and had the Secretary of States Office slap a South Dakota state seal on the documents and... off they go in-route to China!  

It was such a feeling of accomplishment and we are so happy this major part of our process is now behind us.

Our little's waiting outside the office while docs are being sealed. 

Most people don't really view Pierre, SD as a weekend get-away, but when your dad (Adam) is "somewhat" interested in politics and works for a senator...well, the kids were in for a history lesson whether they wanted one or not and by George, they were going to enjoy it.  

Eliot's question to her dad was, "Do you think Uncle Adam got his new robot?"  (They take after their mother when it comes to liking history and politics....YAWN... SQUIRREL!)

Eliot's highlight was finding a heart-shaped tile on the floor of the capitol.
Anders enjoyed the hotel pool more than the capitol building which pretty much broke Adam's heart.
Stopping by Senator Rounds (Adam's Boss) office in Pierre for a snack.

We have learned that our growing family will need two hotel rooms for future trips.

They are excited to have one more little person to share in future adventures.

Good thing it was a Friday morning and session was out.  Kaemingk kids tend to take over.

Showing off her Chinese "LOVE" support shirt for little brother ;)

The happy crew:  mission accomplished!

The next step in our journey is to simply wait.  The phone will ring one of these days with our son's referral information.  

Continue to pray for our son,his health and care-givers.  Pray for our family as we also await news on a handful of adoption grants we applied for.  Our hope is that they will fund the last chunk of our adoption costs.
Adam and I are excited for the next few months and are at peace with God's timing in bringing home our little guy.  Our sincere gratitude to all of you for being our cheerleaders and prayer warriors!  

The Kaemingk Crew

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