Monday, November 16, 2015


Today we got an email that stated that our Home Study was officially approved! We will now be moving onto the next steps in our adoption process, which include:  
  • Waiting Child Conference Call ( discuss the special needs of our son)
  • I-800 Form (Determine the child's eligibility for classification as an adoptee)
  • Dossier (Information about our family that China has requested for international adoption)
I know, we don't even know sometimes what all of this paperwork is or what it entails, but we want to keep it all out in the open so every one of our supporters can see why the process of international adoption can take time and cost so much.  But, we keep praying about everything and God keeps reminding us that we are going the right direction.

We have been blessed recently with some anonymous donations to our Bethany Adoption account.  We have no words, other than "THANK YOU" and we say those words with sincere appreciation.  These donations allow us to move forward with every step quicker than we have expected. This means the world to us.   

Our family wishes all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Adam, Hayley & Kiddos

1 comment:

  1. Great news!!! I think of this sweet boy often. I pray for him, although I can't attach a face or name, I know that God has his life as a Kaemingk all planned out! ❤ - Aunt Lindsey
