Sunday, September 13, 2015

Praise the Lord from who all 
Our family and AMAZING friends survived the Rummage Sale Fundraiser!  I know you are all anxious to know how much we raised.  So, we won't hold you in suspense any longer.  Drum roll....are you ready for this?


Adam and I just laughed together when we counted the earnings at the end of the day.  Our goal was $2-3,000 and that was with hopeful hearts.   AGAIN....the Lord has taught us that when we put our total trust in him and take a GIANT leap of faith, that he PROVIDES for his children.  

Some pretty awesome things happened to us this weekend.  We had people who didn't even know us offer to help bring out stored items to be priced, sorted and sold that we just couldn't get to.  There were people who threw in large dollar amounts to our donation bin who didn't buy anything.  Others shared about their own adoption stories.  By the end of the weekend, we couldn't feel our bodies but we felt very blessed and we could see how many people LOVED our new son.   
We want to thank our working crew: (not all are pictured above)
JESUS, Oz & Sandi Hespe, Denny & Wyonne Kaemingk, Adam & Lindsey Bauerle, Gene and Leola Ligtenberg, Kim Nelson, Wes and Kim Roth Family, Shelley Cumella, Kim Hague, Margaret Skillman,  Sarah & Jace Wortman, our extended family at Simpsons Printing, & Cole & Ashley Hektner.

As we continue to get closer and closer to a possible referral please keep our family in your prayers.  

THANK YOU sincerely from deep within our hearts!!!  We DID it!!  GOD is GOOD!
Here we come, China!!

Adam, Hayley, Eliot, Anders & Reese 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh I totally needed to read this today. I am beyond happy for you. Wow, God is so good and provides above and beyond.
