Wednesday, July 22, 2015


I've got big shoes to fill. 
This is my chance to do something. 
I have to seize the moment.
- Andrew Jackson -

This mama is not a blogger by any means.  In fact, sometimes at night when I am up late working, I keep racking my brain on what to write to our adoption supporters/followers.  I have found that when I worry about making sure everyone following our journey is updated...well, it gets overwhelming. 
So, instead of writing gobbly gook (it's a word, ask Reese), I stay quiet.
BUT battery just got re-charged and my hope level just rose again!
NINE BOXES of SHOES will arrive tomorrow from Adam's past co-worker from Mitchell. That's 85 pairs of shoes she collected for our goal.  This makes our souls joyful and rejuvenated!  It brings tears to this mama's eyes how GIVING people are.  We thank our GOD for directing people's paths and opening their hearts.
From the beginning of our adoption decision, Adam and I sat down trying to find fundraisers that would not only help us bring home our son, but help others as well.  So, not only does Kaemingk baby #4 thank all of our shoe fairies...I am sure every person who receives a pair of nice walking shoes will be just as grateful.
Our family is now currently in the home study process.  We will be taking 30+ training hours to help us ready our home and our minds to bringing home a mild - moderate special needs child (OUR SON!).  Thanks to extra jobs, prayers, donations and fundraisers we have successfully paid our way thus far with no debt.  We are looking forward to our HUGE September 12th RUMMAGE SALE which will be our biggest fundrasier.
Thanks to ALL OF OUR SHOE FAIRIES for helping make a difference.  We are seizing every moment and praying fervently. 
And that my friends, is a blog post worth sharing.  

Count the Happies!
Hayley, Adam, Eliot, Anders, and Reese